Wednesday, February 9, 2011

14 weeks

I had a doctors appointment on Monday and everything is right on track - baby's heart rate was 142 and sounded great. The appointment was mildly chaotic because I had the girls with me - which in itself isn't bad for a short appointment like this one, but with Jocelyn's recently traumatizing trip to the dentist (at which she simply sat on my lap during my cleaning and after two attempts at getting her to open her mouth, we simply left) - Jocelyn decided that all doctors' offices must be evil and cried the ENTIRE appointment. It was pitiful and hopefully she adjusts quickly considering we go back every few weeks.

I had the flu a week and a half ago and am still recovering, and very thankful no one else in the house caught it. My immune system is pretty weak when I'm pregnant - so it doesn't surprise me that I got the flu, but hopefully that's the one bad illness I'll get this time around. I do not enjoy feeling like I'm cooking my baby with a temp of 102.

On another note, I'm definitely showing now. Which seems early to me, though technically it's not. I'm still in regular clothes, just sporting a gut :)Didn't necessarily mean to cut off my head in the first one, but I didn't have much patience during the self-timer usage and just went with it.


I just looked at pictures from last time and I look exactly the same as last time at 15 weeks - so that's good I guess :)

Morning sickness is getting better - still have times in the evening where I feel like I could vomit, and if I don't eat it's not a good thing...but drinking water doesn't seem to make me sick anymore so that is a huge plus! And I can actually make it through the day without a nap which helps immensely :)

We're still searching for names so send me some ideas!!

3 comments on "14 weeks"

Joel/Mal and Troy/Meg on February 9, 2011 at 6:51 PM said...

I am not kidding when I say ADORABLE! you are so stinkin small girl! I love being up to date with your pregnancy, so keep the pregnancy pics coming! Tell Adam and the kids Joel and I said hey! Glad you are finally feeling better!
Malorie T

Matt and Sonya on February 10, 2011 at 3:01 PM said...

You are super cute, Jes! love it :)

the howards on February 11, 2011 at 6:58 AM said...

woooooo wooooo! l.o.v.e it! you're tiny...jealous. (= can't wait to see that baby..... miss you!


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