Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Apple Orchard

We took a trip to the apple orchard. I had lofty goals of having a photo shoot with the girls...but it was nap time for Jocelyn by the time we got there so she wasn't happy, and Noah was more interested in eating apples and pulling the wagon than holding still for my camera. I got some pictures, but hopefully will be able to have another shoot with them before we lose these beautiful leaves.
Until then...
I love these girls
Awww....a rarity with this girl
Pumpkin time

Monday, October 26, 2009


Where do the days go?!? I have SO many things that I have photos of and haven't even looked at let alone blogged.
With photography being the busiest in the fall I have zero time to edit family's all tied up in paying customers :) Which is great! But leaves my blog neglected. I will post SOON!
Noah turned 3 and I have TONS of pics from her party - so stay tuned..more to come :)
Until then - here's one from our trip to the apple orchard the other day :)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Jocelyn is 11 months - yikes!

Wow. How is she almost one year old? How has it been a year since I was counting down the days til I would get to meet my second child? All I can do is sit here and shake my head in amazement at the speed that life is going now. With Noah, I thought life went fast, with Jocelyn I'm surprised I don't have whiplash. She, without a doubt, is a joy in our lives. Having Noah makes us appreciate the baby stage a bit more - seeing how fast babies grow to dancing, talking, troublemakers :) We treasure Jocelyn's sweet baby ways - how she rubs her eyes when she's tired. How she babbles and imitates just about everything she can. How she lays her head on my shoulder when she's tired or shy. I can't imagine life without her.
Tiny photo shoot for her 11 mth shots. I'll just post 2 right now - I plan to take the girls out soon and do a little mini session with them and I'll definitely post some shots after that happens.
Until then - a small update on our nugget: She weighs in at 22 lbs - high 80th percentile for height as well. Seems she'll take after her sister. She's still slow in the eating category (figure that out!) but has begun taking to soft foods (banana, sweet potatoe, squash) that aren't straight up pureed. I don't see a birthday cake in this one's near future! She loves xylophones, peekaboo and wiggling. She's a great sleeper (getting closer to one nap a day) and most definitely a happy girl. She seems to be living up to her name - lighthearted and playful.
One of my favorite faces she makes -

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Dancing queen...

If there were more hours in the day I would post more pictures and videos like this one. Noah is carefree and spontaneous, as I imagine all toddlers are, and it brings is immense joy to watch her during moments like these.
As we were watching "the dancing show" (So You Think You Can Dance) tonight for a few minutes before Noah went to bed, she saw a girl dancing somewhat suggestively and got up off the couch to dance. Daddy told her, "Noah, don't ever dance like that girl" and Noah said, "Daddy, I WILL dance like that girl". Let's hope it's just her obstinate nature and not a truthful statement. Yikes. :)
Adam shot a video on his phone and we had to post it. I don't know if you can hear, when Adam tells her to shake her bottom, she first says "Daddy!" as if he's suggested something totally inappropriate and then (I think the video cuts off) says that she doesn't want to say that, "Shake your booby". Hilarious :)

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