Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Myla's birth (G rated) :)

So there isn't much free time being had around here so yes, I am very behind in posting photos of our 5 week old (tomorrow) baby girl! But I thought for the sake of organization, I'd post in order, and hopefully catch up to date soon -
So here are the photos from her birth - and for those interested, the story of how it all went down.

Myla's due date was Thursday, 8/11, and my doctor had even (LOVE this woman) offered to induce me Thursday morning if I didn't go into labor on my own before then. So Tuesday morning, I had back pain throughout the day which progressively got worse to the point that I couldn't lay down at night. So I hung out on the couch downstairs and in the wee hours, contractions started. Five minutes apart, for four hours. Adam called in, we were psyched...and then they quit. Stopped completely.
I called the doctors office in the morning (Wednesday) to see if they would let me come in early since the back pain was still terrible - and my doctor said to come in whenever instead of waiting another sleepless night. We packed up, my mom came over and we headed to the hospital.
Long story short, this horrible mean nurse told my doctor, who wanted me admitted for an induction, that they were  understaffed and just could NOT admit me - I will leave out the names I wanted to call this nurse. Instead, my doctor made arrangements for us to return that night (wed) and 7pm for an induction instead. Noah and Jocelyn, since they had already been picked up, spent the day with my awesome sisters, who took them to the fair and spoiled them rotten :) I relaxed at home and even got a nap in and counted the hours til I could have the baby.
At 7pm we were admitted and here's how the night went:
8pm: started pitocin, I was 4 cm.
12am: contractions happening, but definitely not painful at all.
1am: Water broke on it's own, I opted to get an epidural before pain got worse (as it does when that water breaks) and ...
2ish: nurse anesthetist got there and gave me a fan-freaking-tastic epidural that kicked in before I even had ONE PAINFUL CONTRACTION - it was glorious.
3:45ish - I called nurses in thinking something had changed and maybe it was babytime - it was. I gave a test push and they called in the doctor
4:14 - after one contraction of pushing she was out! My doctor had come in specifically to deliver her - she was NOT on call - that woman is the best OB. She held her up so we could see the goods (or lack thereof...) and said "what does that look like to you?" and Adam and I both started crying (joyful tears, really) and she said "I'd call that a girl!" -

Myla getting some serious suction after possible meconium aspiration - she didn't aspirate any, but they suction forEVER just in case - she did NOT enjoy this.
So big!
All 8lbs 10.6 ounces of her!
Meeting Daddy :)

I'll post pictures of everyone getting to meet her soon :) Bear with me - life is busy with three!

1 comments on "Myla's birth (G rated) :)"

Matt and Sonya on September 14, 2011 at 2:36 PM said...

Oh Jessie, I love it!! I'm so happy for you guys :) I want to meet her before she is walking.


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