Thursday, January 6, 2011

Baby Number THREE!

We decided that we wanted to add just one more huge life event to our 2010/2011 schedule! We found out in the beginning of December that we are expecting baby #3 - we are beyond thrilled...I have not kept it a secret that we were more than ready to see Noah and Jocelyn with a baby brother or sister.
We are due August 11th - our first summer baby. So that makes me 9 weeks today (baby measured 9 weeks 1 day at my ultrasound yesterday) - here are the first pictures of our adorable baby :)


If anyone's interested - the first few weeks were pretty rough - sick from the moment I woke up until the moment I fell asleep (and even when I got up during the night) and exhausted....but the last couple weeks have been pretty good! I feel like as long as I eat every couple hours (which is annoying) I can pretty much stay on top of the morning sickness...the worst part is that the foods that sound good are usually completely unhealthy - aka whoppers, subs, chips and dip...balanced out with tons of clementines, grapefruits, juice, and hummus. Crazy pregnancy cravings.

As far as the gender and names - same routine as the last two - it'll be a surprise for everyone when the baby is born :) Adam did say that he wants to know what we're having (yeah, I was shocked too) but he knows that I LOVE not knowing so he'll wait and be surprised :)

When I showed Noah the photo from the ultrasound yesterday and asked her what it looked like she said "a baby?"  -- so she's asking more questions about the baby like if it's in my tummy right now? And right now? And right now? and why is it upside down in the pictures? And is it a girl baby or a boy baby? :)
Very fun I'm finding out, to have a child that can understand more about a baby in my tummy :)

I was able to do an audio only videotape of the baby's heartbeat at the ultrasound - apparently they can't let people videotape the ultrasound for insurance reasons - so here it is - enjoy the view of the palm of my hand.

1 comments on "Baby Number THREE!"

Laura on January 11, 2011 at 1:52 PM said...

:) Love it. Now just let me name this one. Please?!?


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