Thursday, June 16, 2011

32 weeks

Only 56 more days until the expected arrival...56! I'm trying not to want to rush through those last 56 days but this baby isn't making it easy on me. If I'm not getting kicked in the hipbones, the baby is just resting on them and making me walk like I lost my horse. I have come to realize that I cannot sit on our couch without being in pain afterwards...and sleeping is difficult with tossing and turning and the incessant need to empty my bladder which apparently has a max capacity of 2 teaspoons. I had another doctors appointment today and she thinks the baby is transverse (laying across my abdomen, not head up or down) or breech (bottom down). They're not concerned yet, but will check again in 2 weeks and if they baby is not head down by 36 weeks then they move onto fun things like external versions. We're hoping this baby figures out what their job is and moves into position come the deadline.
Other than that - heart rate continues to be low, movement is at an all time high, which for the most part is great because they're just kicking out to the side (instead of ribs or bladder) and fun to feel. I'm measuring a week small (probably because of the baby being transverse) and have gained a whooping 40lbs for those interested in laughing at the fat girl. :)

Ok, enough complaining - I ordered the baby's carseat today - we stuck with the Britax brand because we're so happy with the girl's seats (Britax Advocates) and it got great ratings. Here is what we went with -The nursery is still at a halt because I think we'll wait to decorate until we find out what we're having. The heck with gender neutral, right? :)

In other random news - our patio is finished and we've been using the heck out of that thing. And our neighborhood puts corner fences up and ours went up today - here are some pictures of the outside of the house -

Yes, our backyard is kind of heinous right now. Here's the deal - the left side of our backyard is not seeded or anything yet, we are planning to install some posts for our beloved hammock : ) and don't want to do any sod or seed until that's finished. Once that project is done, we'll finish with grass and it'll look better. Those brown boxes are Adam's gardens - we're anticipating some deliciousness in the coming months.

Little info about this patio - we hired a contractor to pour, stain and stamp the concrete (heard it was too difficult to DIY) and Adam did the seating wall - didn't he do a great job!? We love how it turned out. I should have taken closer pictures so you could see the stamp and the actual patio. Eh - next time.

 And on the street side we have some arborvitae that hopefully will give us some privacy in a few years and a clematis climbing a little trellis in the middle.
And to finish off the post - since I didn't do a belly picture this week, here's a glimpse of a Florida picture. Many more to come, when I can actually find the time to sit and sift through and edit the 800 pictures I took there...

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