Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I'm playing catchup since I realized I never even blogged Jocelyn's birthday! Here are some pics from when we went to Ikea and brought the girls awhile ago. They were SO good - I'm glad to have good car-riders. They watched movies on the way down and colored, and slept the entire way back - both of them! We weren't in the store long, maybe a couple hours, and though they were getting really tired and Jocelyn wanted to be held they were still good. We got them some frozen yogurt on the way out (loved it) - here are some pics of our dolls :)

Side note: I didn't realize until this day that Noah hadn't ever had an ice cream CONE before! She asked if she could eat it...ha - don't judge me for depriving my children of the joy that is ice cream cones - it was accidental I assure you.

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