Monday, May 24, 2010

let's get together, yeah yeah yeah.

My roommate from college, Rosie, and her husband were in town to visit family and friends so we all got together to hang out. It had been a long time since I've seen Rosie - she had never met Jocelyn! Noah immediately clung to Sophia, Rosie's niece who is 7, and ended the night was 2 tattoos that I have yet to be able to remove :)
It was a fun night - good to see you, Rose!!

Sidenote: Rosie introduced me to Adam :)


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Kara's Birthday!

We all went to the Cheesecake Factory for Kara's birthday (Lisa was back in Chicago and Laura in KY) - it was delicious and fun. Then we went to my parents to have ice cream cake. Here's a slideshow:

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mini Marathon

Last year Kara, Jenna, Laura and I decided to run the mini this May. It was GREAT to have a goal in mind when running all those days to train for it - definitely hard to quit training when you know you'll be running 13.1 miles with thousands of people in a matter of months. Well a few weeks before the race, we realized Laura's graduation date was the date of the mini, so she had to opt out, and THE DAY BEFORE we convinced Lisa to join us in Laura's place. Awesome, right? To run the mini without any training?!
So that morning we woke up freaking early, surprising hit zero traffic that morning, and drove downtown to wait in the 40 degree weather and 25 mph winds for over an hour before we actually got to cross the start line. There was about 35,000 people that run the mini with another chunk that run the 5k portion (which seemed very appealing as we crossed the 5k marker in our course!). Overall, it was really fun. Very hard, and the track was some kind of nightmare, but I would do it again.
I am happy to say I ran the first 10.5 miles without stopping (and not stopping at the water pits made for a soaked face and shirt and I tried to gulp it down without spilling) - but all that water leads to pit stops and this is where my mistake was made. I stopped to pee. Don't ever stop, people. Keep running. Take it from this guy it's just better to keep going. My legs turned to jelly and the pain set it. The final 3 miles I spent jogging at the pace of a walker and finished in 2.5 hrs.
Next mini is in the Fall - Kara, Jenna, and I are planning to run again - Lisa, we'll let you know the day before ;)

Adam came downtown with the girls but had a hard time getting to the finish line with the large stroller. We met up right afterwards - thankfully he brought blankets and sweatshirts for us all-we were FREEZING!

Kendra's husband, Andy, runs this mini and so Kendra and I met up afterwards really quickly to say hello - love this girl!!!

We all were pretty sore that day - and exhausted. Jenna had some killer blisters -

Best part of that day? The food they give you afterwards - I could have eaten a horse. Also, that I got a pretty medal. :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

New pool!

Ok, so it's not an what you probably imagined when you read that title, but to the girls it was just as good (if not better because there's no scary deep end and it has a slide). During the streak of days in the 80's, we stopped at Walmart and used some gift money on a pool for the front patio. This is by far the best $30 we've ever spent.
I think she likes it...

Monday, May 10, 2010

Dance class

Dance class is coming to an end - final recital is June 16th! So I thought I'd bring my camera once again and take some shots to remember how adorable this three-year-old looks in her leotards and skirts. Noah's teacher, Miss April, is unbelievable with these kids. She is so patient and a great teacher. I really feel like she enjoys the class and enjoys spending time with the kids which is great. Onto the pics...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Doah and Daa-Dee :)


For the life of me I can't remember which way I'm supposed to hold my phone for videos - I'm so used to just turning it in my hand - so once again, this video is sideways. Deal with it :)

Second side note: she says Daddy and Doah (yeah it's close enough) clear as a bell. She says it to the right people and gets really excited when she sees either of them and says their name. Mommy? that's what she calls her blanket. No lie.

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