Wednesday, September 30, 2009

New Lights :)

Adam was kind enough to model (newborn baby style) with the new props I got for my upcoming newborn sessions :)
Then I couldn't get him to stop....he's crazy.
Then Noah wanted to sit in my new bowl...and then it was Jocelyn's turn. I'm biased, yes, but these girls are gorgeous.
my cup runneth over :)
Noah...if only you'd hold still more often so I could take your picture...
Classic Noah
Jocelyn's new haircut - 4 inches were cut off!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I'm contemplating making our blog more private once again...I know it's kind of a pain to sign in, but the thought that random people can happen upon our blog and know our kids names and everything freaks me out. So - leave a comment and let me know you want me to include you in those allowed to view the blog and I'll get you added to the list!


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Jocelyn is 10 months!

Another month has flown by - she's crawling her same gimpy leg crawl and getting quite fast. She pulls herself up on things (couch, chairs, toys, etc) and cruises around on foot as well now. I do think she has a little ways to go before she's walking, hopefully by her birthday!
She's doing great health wise - a slight cold right now, but seems fine. She has 4 teeth now, those top ones are making their appearance. She's sleeping in the nursery now and has been sleeping SO well at night, consistently 12+ hours straight (8-8ish) and eating really well. My mom lent us their magic bullet so making baby food just got real easy which is great.
Not much else is new - Noah's doing great as well, starting to notice that people think Jocelyn is so cute and she's starting to act like a baby sometimes...even though I feel like she gets more attention than Jocelyn just because she's more interactive and converses with you...but we're working on celebrating her being a "big girl" and helping her to feel special in her own way and age.
Adam is doing alright - we saw a new doctor this past week and were really encouraged and are thrilled about the blessing of insurance coverage for his care now! He'll still work with his nutritionist (the doc and nutritionist are friends actually!) and hopefully be in really good care now with both sides of the spectrum - nutrition and medicine - in his corner.
Here are a few pictures I snapped quick of the girls -
The new do! - we cut 4 inches of mullet off this little lady :)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I took the girls to the park the other night and brought Jocelyn some applesauce - well she wasn't the only one that liked it- the bees were swarming us. There were 3 that would NOT leave us alone. We packed up the food and moved away but apparently not fast enough - Jocelyn got stung (twice I think) on her chin :( I was trying my best to shoo the bees away and get her out of there...poor girl! Even after they stung her, I continued to make a fool out of myself by running around carrying Jocelyn and looking frantically around me for more bees (that STILL were flying around us!) while other park parents, who of course can't see any bees, watch me wondering what drug I'm on. After a good 20 minute on and off battle with these bees I ended up chucking the half eaten baby food container across the playground in an effort to appease the bees and get them away from us...but I only succeeded in being openly laughed at at that point by the amused onlookers. I picked the loudest laugher and explained what I was doing and she just laughed and simply said, "Honey - why you throwin' dat baby food?! You just gotta shoo 'em away!" - duh, why didn't I think of that.

I took 2 stingers out of her chin that would have thought she would cry for more than 45 seconds...she sure is a tough one.
What a face.

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